As most are aware Poker is a super popular game of cards, enjoyed at both online and land based casinos around the world. So popular is Poker that it has blossomed into a vibrant community all its own, boasting regular tournaments, bonafide celebrities, and dedicated players.
As far as rules are concerned, Poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, based around gathering a hand with a higher value than opponents. Though, there is not just a single set of universal rules.
Most interesting about Poker is that, although always featuring the same hand values, there are several popular variations. The most popular variations include Texas Hold’em, Five Card Draw, Seven Card Stud, and Omaha. Let’s take a look at these variations, learn the rules, and get a better idea of how each is played.
Texas Hold’em

Texas Hold’em is the most popular style of Poker by far. It is featured at most casinos, online and land based, while also being standard in most high profile tournaments. Anyone even vaguely familiar with Poker is probably thinking of this version.
At the start of a game every participating player is dealt two ‘hidden’ cards, also referred to as ‘hole’ cards. This means these cards are only intended to be visible to the player who received them.
Once the hole cards have been dealt, the dealer will proceed to place a total of three cards, face-up (revealed) on the table. These three cards are referred to as the ‘flop,’ and are available for use to every player at the table. The idea is that each player must create the best possible Poker hand, including both their hole cards and the community flop cards.
After the flop a round of betting is initiated. Players bet speculatively at this time, based not only on the cards they have, but on the potential of future cards to be dealt. Which is to say; early betting is often guessing.
Once betting concludes the dealer adds an additional community card, referred to as the turn. Another round of betting plays out.
The fifth and final community card is dealt, referred to as the ‘river.’ A last round of betting plays out, this time with players knowing the true value of their hands. This last round of betting is, of course, generally the most aggressive. It is worth noting at this point that players are able to fold at any time, assuming that they no longer wish to stake more money.
To conclude all remaining players reveal their hidden cards. A winner is determined and payouts are made
Omaha is similar to Texas Hold’em in most regards, but with key differences that set the games apart. The best way to describe Omaha is that it is Texas Hold’Em, only players are dealt four hole cards as opposed to two. However, only two of the hole cards may be used to make the best possible hand. Omaha is, simply put, a Poker-variety that focuses on players that are already deeply familiar with the game.
Starting a round of Omaha each player receives four hole cards that are dealt face-down and invisible to opponents. After hole cards are dealt, the dealer places three community cards, all face-up. In Omaha the initial community cards are also referred to as the flop. A round of betting commences.
After betting the dealer adds a fourth community card, also known as the turn. A final betting opportunity is afforded, after which all players reveal their hands. The best hole cards are paired with the community cards.
Interesting to note is that in addition to the basic rules set out above, there are several other variations of Omaha. These include Omaha 8 or Better and Omaha Hi-Lo.
Five Card Draw

Five Card Draw Poker is an interesting variation of the game, mostly played in casual settings amongst friends. It is rare to find Five Card Draw offered at any casinos, online or land based. The first, most notable aspect of Five Card Draw is that it doesn’t feature any community cards.
Initially, each player is dealt five hole cards, after which the first betting round commences. As with all Poker variations, players have the option to stake a bet, match the previous bet, or fold. Following the first round of bets players have the option to discard some, or even all of their hole cards. Discarded cards are exchanged for new cards from the deck.
After the final round of bets players reveal their cards to determine a winner.
Seven Card Stud
Seven Card Stud Poker was once the most popular variation played in the United States, but lost favour to versions with faster playstyles. Interestingly, while Seven Card Stud does utilise hole cards these are dealt to each player individually.
To start, each player is dealt two hole cards and one face up card. A highly speculative round of betting follows, with players essentially betting based on a single card. After betting concludes another three face up cards are dealt, as well as another face down card. This gives a total of seven cards; four face up and three face down. Another round of betting follows, generally aggressive.
The showdown then follows. Each player turns over the face down cards and makes the best possible hand of five.

Which Version Should You Play?
There is, of course, no right version of Poker and even if you opt for video poker at sites like Lucky Creek Casino you’re in for a treat. Each variation has its own pros and cons, with the biggest separating factors being the required skill level and the time it takes to play a hand. Texas Hold’Em remains the most popular for a reason, given that each round is lightning fast. If playing with friends or at a casino, Texas Hold’Em allows for rapid action that quickly draws to a final conclusion.
Whichever version is chosen, an important factor to keep in mind is that Poker hands always have the same value. Learning which hands are the most valuable is, for the most part, the most useful information to have ready.