How important a role does astrology play in our everyday lives?On the surface it may seem frivolous or even ridiculous at times, but there really is some truth to the idea of astrology. The Universe is an ever-shifting collective of energy that exists in a constant state of flux, and astrology provides a most eloquent way of describing the ever-changing nature of this energy. This energy is what differentiates us from mere mortals, and astrology provides us with a way of understanding this collective energy.
In the 21st century, astrology is more popular than ever. There are numerous books and magazines dedicated to the subject and astrology websites litter the internet. For that reason, astrologers are in demand. Tarot readers are a dime a dozen and it is hard to find anyone with genuine knowledge and experience in the field.
We all have our own stars in the sky that guide us. Some of us may be born under a specific Zodiac sign, some may follow a certain religion, and some may just sign up to the Full Moon in Leo party every month. What’s the harm in helping your stars be heard? If you joined us in our book club, you know that Tarot cards are just a fun way to find out what others are reading.
The Full Moon in Leo 2024 lights up the sky on Thursday the 28th. January, at 2:16 p.m. ET. The full moon indicates a time of completion, celebration and letting go. For Leo, it marks the completion of a creative project or the entry onto the main stage in an aspect of his life. This is not the time to brag. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Stand tall in your accomplishments and shine! Before the Full Moon, Venus will be in conjunction with Pluto, drawing attention to strong emotions and creative inspiration.

We can all feel what’s in our hearts during the day, which allows for deep conversations, courageous decisions, and artistic excellence. However, this aspect can bring jealousy when combined with Leo energy. You want to keep it under control for as long as possible. When you feel the monster with the green eyes appear, you must show it the door.
Focus on your own success instead of worrying about the success of others. Shortly after the beginning of the Full Moon, there is an opposition with Jupiter. This aspect can bring out the dramatic side of the Lion. During the day, beware of theatrical and self-centered behavior in yourself and others. This opposition is followed by a funny angle with Mars at 5:32 PM, which may add to the drama. Suddenly everyone wanted to compete for first place. Aggression and malice dampen the lion’s noble spirit. Again: Keep an eye on your own prizes and let others enjoy their own spotlight.
There’s room for a lot of superstars here. But at 8:40 p.m., the Sun aligns with Jupiter, a lucky aspect that occurs only once a year. It is a caring perspective that can bring out the best in everyone. In Aquarius, the team is willing to step over selfishness to create a seat at the table for everyone. Leaders are emerging who are genuinely interested in the well-being and happiness of all. Suddenly we can see the future – and it is big, bright and inclusive. The wheel of fate begins to turn. A new cycle is upon us, and this Full Moon in Leo promises to be bold and bright.
And here are some mini tarot divinations for the Full Moon in Leo 2024 for each zodiac sign using the Light Seer tarot!

Aries: Three of the pieces – practice makes perfect. A consistent effort will yield excellent results.
Taurus: Queen of Swords – She brings the clarity you need to make boring decisions. Trust your vision.
Twins: Eight of Swords – You’re stuck for a while. Don’t fight it. Instead, figure out how you got there.
Cancer: Three of Swords – Broken Heart. Losing. The pain is real. Meet your needs and the healing will begin.
Leo: Nine of Pentacles – All the rewards are finally here! Celebrate your success and share the wealth!
Virgo: Moon – Nothing is certain, emotions are overwhelming. Your vision is distorted at this point.
Scales: Ace of Chopsticks – Great and wonderful opportunities arise. Follow those who fit your passions.
Scorpio: Honesty. Everything is working as it should. Believe that the karmic forces are on your side.

Sagittarius: Empress – A fertile and creative cycle is underway. What do you want to show? Shape your future.
Capricorn: Ten of Wands – The hardest part is almost over, but there’s still a big push to the finish line. Stay in the hallway.
Aquarius: The Force is with you. Focus on your goal and watch the magic happen.
Fish: Seven Cups – There are many possibilities. It may be difficult for you to make a decision, but you should do it quickly. Blessing, Teresa Do you have a business? Want to know how to fire up the room to make your business the best year ever? Subscribe to Astro Business Digest, my exclusive weekly forecasts for entrepreneurs who want to make sure their business timing is perfect. Because in business: Time is everything. Subscribe to the Astro-Biz Digest website here.The Lady of the Tarot 2024 Images from stock photos and personal collectionsSome of you may have seen these horoscopes before but for those that haven’t, here is a quick rundown of the next Full Moon in Leo in 2024.. Read more about full moon in cancer tarot spread and let us know what you think.