The summer solstice, when the Sun finally reaches its longest point in the sky, is a popular time for astrologers to predict the future. The June solstice in Gemini is the date of a new moon solar eclipse, which is an eclipse of the Sun when the Moon is closest to the Sun. The best way to see this in action is in the next few months when the new moon will pass in front of the Sun. The New Moon in Gemini occurs on June 10, 2024 at 02:12 and will be visible in most of the world. The eclipse will be visible to all, but the eclipse’s greatest impact will be in the Americas, South Africa, southern Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific.
On June 10, the moon will pass in front of the sun, creating what is known as a “sun eclipse” and a “totality”. The eclipse will be visible across most of North America, and parts of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Most importantly, the eclipse will also be visible from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Singapore, Isreal, India, Beijing, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo on June 10, 2024.

We will have all kinds of opinions about this new moon solar eclipse at 19°47′ Gemini on the 10th. June 2024, 03:53 PDT see. What will be lacking is accurate information because Neptune in Pisces is in square with the Gemini stellium, which includes the Sun, Moon and Mercury retrograde in Gemini. Chances are, secrets will be revealed and some people will feel extremely uncomfortable. Geminis naturally tend to share any information that comes their way, be it good, bad or otherwise. There are great lessons to be learned from this lunation about living as honestly as possible is a very good thing. The only bright spot in this lunation is the nurturing ascendant sextile between Venus in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus. Look forward to breakthroughs in emotional healing techniques that can dramatically improve our personal relationships.
This is one of those cases where love at first sight has the potential to become something lasting. We may meet someone special because we have family ties. The most disturbing aspect is the decreasing opposition between Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. We have to be very careful about what we obsess over, because often the person we hurt the most in that situation is ourselves. This is the time to act while Mars is still in a cardinal sign. About twenty-four hours after the New Moon, Mars leaves Cancer and enters fiery Leo, and the tendency to get stuck in a rut and see no way out will increase dramatically. Talk about being stuck in a rut…. spoken The fixed square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus is pretty tight at the moment.

We are faced with the need for change, and most of us are not enthusiastic about it. By having an open mind, we can get through these frustrating transitions. Jupiter in Pisces is lateral in this lunation, which helps reduce drama. She will return at the Full Moon in Capricorn in a supporting role. We must be prepared for an abundance of information and the real possibility that it will take a long time to separate fact from fiction. Gemini’s duplicity is palpable in this Solar Eclipse New Moon, making it difficult to distinguish our dreams from reality. We may project our opinions and prejudices onto others, or we may feel that others are projecting theirs onto us.
In other words, it will probably be very confusing there! After the solstice on June 20 and the direct movement of Mercury on June 22, the fog should gradually clear. In the meantime, we need an extra dose of patience and forbearance to reach the other side. You’re welcome! Peace and love for all. Message: Times are mean values for EDT and PDT. New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10, 2024 will be a great unique experience for Gemini-born natives. On June 10, the Moon will be perfectly aligned with the sun, and eclipse the solar disk, for a total eclipse approximately seven minutes long. The passage of the Moon through the umbra creates a partial eclipse for about 60 percent of the lunar disk, which is usually invisible to the naked eye. The same phenomenon will occur in Gemini on September 6, 2024, and December 6, 2024, too.