The next solar eclipse of the sun will occur on June 15th 2017, on the day between Friday and Saturday. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth, blocking the Sun’s light and making it appear dark.
Anyone who is looking forward to the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on August 21 needs to know a lot more about it. The path of the Eclipse crosses over the Zodiac Circles, one of which is the Aries, which by coincidence is the sign of the Sun, the brightest star in the sky. This is the reason why the Solar Eclipse, which takes place in the middle of the day, is considered a bad omen, as it signifies the death of the Sun on the Zodiac. This is why some believe it is a portent of the end of the world.
The Solar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini in 2024 is important for all astrologers and tarot readers. Although it is a super-lucky time, it is also a rather challenging time for many people, especially when it comes to career and business. That is why it is good to have a reading for each zodiac sign, and take the best advice from the whole reading to focus on what you need to change in your life.

The solar eclipse in Gemini 2024 occurs on the 10th. June at 6:53 am EDT. The solar eclipse is also a new moon, which means that this day is a day of new beginnings. In social pairing, we have the opportunity to explore our thoughts and words. Do you have any old stories? How do you prefer to express yourself? Are you at an impasse and want to adjust your way of thinking? There is no better time to shake off limiting beliefs or change your outlook on life. However, keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde and in line with the Moon at 8:37 am EDT. Anxiety can rear its head, making it difficult to make good resolutions. Additionally, the Moon-Neptune square at 13:38 EDT creates a cloud of confusion. These aspects create dark vibes – but rest assured, they will clear up if you give them time. I advise you to wait until the dust settles before making any intentions or creating new affirmations. Eclipses always bring change, but thanks to the aspects surrounding this eclipse, you’ll want to relax on this day and let events unfold. Gather information and pay close attention to your thoughts and the messages you receive.
After just a day or two, you’ll know which way the wind is blowing – and you’ll be able to create clear and confident intentions for the future you want. This eclipse will also show you where you need to improve your boundaries and communication. If you tend to hold back for fear of what people will think, you can learn to let go and express yourself more effectively. Even if you tend to speak without thinking about how your words sound, you can learn to practice compassionate communication. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2024 is perfect for learning new things. If you have a particular hobby that you want to explore, start by looking at the best options. Sign up for classes, enroll in college, or read all the books! Feed your head! I also want to remind you that eclipses can be intense – and very intense. If possible, take a day off or find time to catch your breath. Don’t forget to drink, don’t put pressure on yourself and, most importantly, be open to change. If there is a significant change in your life that day, believe that it is for the better and that it will move you toward your higher calling. Let it go and be ready for a whole new perspective when it’s over.
And here are some mini tarot divinations of the solar eclipse in Gemini 2024 with tarot keys!

- Aries: Hangman – Don’t make any sudden movements. Stay tuned. The answers are coming.
- Taurus: The Four Cups – If you don’t like the way things look, change the way you look at them.
- Twins: Five of Swords – The truth is revealed. It sucks, but now you know what it is.
- Cancer: Five of Pentacles – The door to finance seems to be closed at the moment. Help is just around the corner.
- Leo: Peace. The chapter ends perfectly. Your new life begins now.
- Virgo: Seven of Swords – If it’s too hot, leave. You don’t have to get burned.
- Scales: The eight of pieces – you gather important information. Your skills are developing.
- Scorpio: The Ten of Swords – The end is near. After the shock, comes the relief.
- Sagittarius: Queen of Swords – Speak your truth and let all the pieces fall to the ground.
- Capricorn: You idiot! Your luggage is lighter. Now you can move forward with confidence.
- Aquarius: Eight of Wise Men – New paths open up. The future is under control!
- Fish: Ace of Cups – His cup is full of love and creativity. His heart is full.
Blessing, Teresa Do you have a business? Want to know how to fire up the room to make your business the best year ever? Subscribe to Astro Business Digest, my exclusive weekly forecasts for entrepreneurs who want to make sure their business timing is perfect. Because in business: Time is everything. Subscribe to the Astro-Biz Digest website here. Learn how to become a high priestess with the tarot reading: No doubt about it. Master the art of intuitive reading. Start learning astro lingo with the help of the book Astrology in Real Life: A guide for curious astro-lovers. Theresa Reed: The Lady of the Tarot 2024 Images from stock photos and personal collections. The next solar eclipse in Gemini will be on July 23, 2024. The next solar eclipse in Gemini will be on July 23, 2024. Gemini has the power to bring out the best in us, and this solar eclipse promises to be a great time for all of us to connect with our inner light.