Closing out an old year and anticipating a fresh start gives us many reasons to celebrate. Whether you are looking back on the previous year or are excited about what’s to come, taking the time to send flowers to friends and family can be a pleasant surprise, and Flowershop.ae has you covered whether you want a single flower or a large arrangement.
Even if you are separated by thousands of miles, your family or other half will undoubtedly notice your affection thanks to their excellent flower delivery Dubai service.
Accordingly, here are some of the reasons why you should send beautiful New Year flower arrangements to loved ones this season.

The present year has to come to an end
We’ve all had those years when we couldn’t wait for them to be over. Whether for personal or professional reasons, the opportunity to turn over a fresh leaf and say goodbye to the past is a welcome one. Send flowers to a close friend to show your excitement over the arrival of a new calendar year.
It’s been an excellent business year
Are you a business owner who has had a successful year? Celebrate by presenting your staff with floral arrangements as a thank you for all they did to make the previous year one of the best. You might even send a bouquet to a colleague or a BFF to express your appreciation for all they have accomplished in the last year.
You overlooked a significant occurrence from the previous year
Perhaps you know someone who got married, got a promotion, retired, or had a child. Life becomes busy, and if you forget to mention an occasion, don’t worry, it’s not too late to rectify the situation. In fact, etiquette allows you to identify the event within a year. Send your warm wishes by gifting a floral arrangement that expresses how joyful the recipient’s year has been.

You owe someone an apology
Humans aren’t perfect, and we frequently make things difficult for ourselves. It’s possible that your obligations did not live up to expectations, resulting in disappointment, or that you’ve disappointed your friends or family. Even for those who want to live a tranquil and conscientious life, mistakes are unavoidable. These things happen, and we must apologize with sincerity and make amends. Apology flowers are the way to go. As the expression goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and the same is true for flowers—”a bouquet of flowers is worth forgiveness.” Before the new year begins, leave all of your problems and troubles behind.
The family is unable to meet for the holidays
The holidays are a time for gathering, yet circumstances may prevent you from traveling far from home. Even if you sent gifts for Christmas or Eid, surprise relatives and friends to let them know you missed seeing them at the end of the year. They’ll have fresh flowers to put on their dining tables and in their foyers. They’ll remember you every time they see beautiful flowers.
Someone is getting married
Wedding countdowns are a thing! As the date approaches, people begin to count the months, weeks, and days. Sending a floral arrangement shows a loved one that you are excited about their special day as well. Include a wish, letting them know you’re looking forward to their wedding next year.

A new member of the family is on the way
If you’re having a child, you could announce it at Christmas. Make it a truly unexpected surprise, though, by sending new year’s greetings announcing your pregnancy. Consider the expressions on your parents’, siblings’, or best friend’s faces when they receive a beautiful bouquet revealing the announcement. It’s so much fun!
Simply because you want to
We all have friends and family we want to commemorate, but we don’t know how or when to do it. Sending new year’s greetings is acceptable for everyone, and the new year is an ideal time to send flowers simply because… well, you don’t need a reason—just do it if the mood hits!