If you mean well for your business, and we are sure you do, then you must exploit as many resources to get to your customers as you possibly can. Since we live in the age of information and constantly evolving technological achievements, not utilizing the potentials of seemingly free social networks would be ridiculous. Since it is considered a must to be noticed on as many social engaging platforms as possible, failing to make a name for your company on TikTok and Instagram would be equal to a complete failure. But, can we say that one is actually better than another for business promotion? Read the following lines and find out.
Active Users

When you want to compare something, you usually consult the statistics, which knows not about emotion but will deliver the inevitable truth. Both Instagram and TikTok have an amazingly high number of active users, but the truth is that there are about 100 million more TikTokers daily than there are Instagramers. Even though popularity might be the only criteria that interest you, do bear in mind that about half a billion people are using Instagram every day, so you should keep both options in stock and make the most of them.
Average Time Spent Using the App

Yet again, TikTok users spend more time on their devices than their counterparts. Although they have similar features, they are different apps, so you need to consider this before concluding which one is better for your business. Namely, an average Instagram user spends about half an hour scrolling through the content, while a TickTocker surpasses it by about 22 minutes. If you combine these results with the ones from the previous paragraph, the calculation is simple. The catch is about the reach and the number of followers a company has. On one hand, you can buy followers, and on the other, you can sponsor an influencer. The results rarely fail to impress whatever you choose, but they cost significantly differently.
Sponsored Content

Creating challenges related to your brand is what can reach unimaginable heights when reach and popularity are in question, and you can do that by sponsoring an influencer with enough audience to spread the word globally. Yet again, when numbers are concerned, it is most likely that the public will be attracted by this type of promotion on TikTok, due to the nature of the platform and the usage of video as the main form of communication. On the other hand, Instagram provides your potential customers with a direct link to whatever it is that you offer, while you still cannot enjoy that privilege if you opt solely for TikTok.
Brand Type

It is of utter importance to be aware of what type of audience would be interested in a service your company offers. Namely, you should know that TikTok is more popular with younger users, since about 60% of them are older than 15 and younger than 25, while the age of most Instagrammers ranges from 25 to 34. It does not mean that you will not get to the ones you desire, whether you use TikTok or Instagram, since both platforms use amazingly efficient algorithms, but your job should be easier if you consider the facts.
Fortunately, you have gotten what you have come for, and that is the answer to whether TikTok is a better platform than Instagram for your business. The data speaks for itself, but not let it fool you, since both of the aforementioned offer unique solutions you can use to your advantage.
Target Group

It is of utter importance to be aware of what type of audience would be interested in a service your company offers. Namely, you should know that TikTok is more popular with younger users, since about 60% of them are older than 15 and younger than 25, while the age of most Instagrammers ranges from 25 to 34. It does not mean that you will not get to the ones you desire, whether you use TikTok or Instagram, since both platforms use amazingly efficient algorithms, but your job should be easier if you consider the facts.
Brand to Customer

Always be aware that social networks are nothing more than tools for you to spread the word about your brand, so you should consider them a useful tool at first. Since Instagram has functions differently than TikTok, it might be a more suitable solution because it can link your potential customers directly to the product or service you want to promote. Also, you can pay for your business to be shown in Instagram stories depending on the target group you opt for, which is still not available on TikTok, but the rumor has it that things are going to change soon, so the same commodity will be available on the most utilized social platform at the time of speaking.
Video Duration

They say you do not need too much time if the content you deliver is quality enough, but on the other hand, the more time you have, the more quality content you might present, and slip your product in some of the reels promoted by numerous influencers. The calculation is simple, and it says that Instagram reels can last as long as thirty seconds, while TikTok allows their users to share the content they consider appropriate for twice as much time in a single take. Therefore, you can stick to the saying that quality beats quantity or you can simply adjust the way you promote the material to both social networks as separate projects.
Filters and Editing Options

Everyone got crazy when Instagram introduced new filters and we can say without second thoughts that they are one of the pioneers when editing features are in question. Yet, times have changed, and as TikTok evolved into a monster with more than 600 million daily users, they extended the filter range you can use so it has become a more utilized platform for anyone desirous of new effects. Now, you might want to consider whether you want to base your promotional campaign on the number of filters a social network offers, or you might want to think about other commodities you might enjoy that suit your particular style and needs. On the other hand, we advise you not to take things too personally, but think about the business and reach for the thing that drives your target group, since, in the end, you should be looking for them, no matter which filters they prefer.
Fortunately, you have gotten what you have come for, and that is the answer to whether TikTok is a better platform than Instagram for your business. The data speaks for itself, but not let it fool you, since both of the aforementioned offer unique solutions you can use to your advantage. Thus, it should be a win-win situation, wherever you choose to promote your business.