This past week, I posted an essay regarding the beauty of tarot in an online forum. I received a number of very positive responses, which I think showed a deep appreciation for the symbol of the tarot. I was reminded of this on a recent read of the Tarot of the Holy Grail, the book by Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror. The book is a republished version of Thomas’s original tarot, which he created in 1982. It has become quite popular among tarot fans in recent years. This is a blog about tarot, with no restrictions on content. The blog is run by Thomas (YT) and anyone can submit their posts. The site has a wide variety of posts, from articles to art, and you can always find a new post to read. There’s even a blog feed or a daily email, that you can subscribe to.

Who is Thomas? I have no idea. But if you’re reading this, then you’re probably the same, because once you find out, you’re going to want to know more. Thomas of Hermit’s Mirror is the tarot master that helped me discover my lifeline.
Thomas du Miroir Ermite is the author of Tarot Tablo : The Fool’s Journey and Card Diary Therapy, which I already talked about in the Tarot View video here. It’s a 2.2″ x 3.5″ pocket tarot deck that’s only 0.2″ wider than the standard business card you put in your wallet. In summary, the Lifeline Tarot is a portable and thoughtful RWS deck with a modern, minimalist art style. It is the perfect deck for a great reading, as in Thomas’ Tablo Tarot method. Pamela Coleman Smith’s original 1909 illustrations for the Ryder A. E. Waite tarot deck have been redrawn in a continuous line. Was it Picasso who made the one-line drawings famous, or is he just a famous example? Anyway, I love the one line tarot deck with the ink sketches! While the Lifeline Tarots are certainly universally suitable for any type of tarot reading, I find them most appropriate for psychological or therapeutic forms of reading, perhaps because their aesthetic reminds me of projective psychoanalytic tools like the inkblot or the Rorschach test.

The names of the keys are shown, e.g. B. written in a blank style, so that the Empress card is written _MPR_SS and the Chariot card is written CH_R__T, and so on. This sets the tone for the style of card reading that Lifeline Tarot encourages: the lines and shapes give you the main theme and you fill in the rest, filling in the writing of the words with the knowledge you bring. What attracts me to minimalist art styles, such as. B. of the one-line ink sketch is the degree of precision it requires. For this line drawing technique, you need to know what you are doing. Your intuition as an artist should be excellent. Thomas has brilliantly captured the essence of Pamela Coleman Smith’s original illustrations with an organic line. This particular technique, which consists of choosing a starting point and then drawing the outline of what you see without letting the pen tip leave the paper, is not so easy. Not at all.
One of the bonus cards of the game (more on this later) is Labyrinth, which really gets to the heart of the artistic process: It’s a bit like looking at the original art that inspires you like a labyrinth and working your way through it to significant accomplishments. It’s also a great deck for beginners or RWS learners. You can write your own keywords with a black permanent marker. The outline of each card gives you just the right amount of shape to enhance memory. You will then be able to apply the tarot knowledge gained from working with this deck to other RWS based decks. For experienced tarot readers, this is a nice travel sized deck that you can put in your pocket and take with you when you travel. The map material has a linen finish with an absolutely beautiful slip. You can wave the cards and shuffle them effortlessly.

They’re not supportive at all. This is the perfect deck to take to a tarot conference. The artwork contains enough basic elements to identify an RWS card, while expanding the game’s appeal beyond just displaying race or gender. You can read more about Thomas, the inventor and artist of the card game, here. He’s a very well-known and promising tarot reader, and I’ve been hearing his name everywhere lately. He also has a Lenoracle Lifeline that looks really cool! You can find him on Instagram @hermitsmirror where he has live conversations with various tarot readers, deckmakers and authors from around the world. He’s worth watching – as an interviewer, he brings out the authenticity in each of the famous people he interviews very well.
The Lifeline Tarot comes with two bonus cards, Labyrinth and Muse. I interpret the appearance of the Muse card as my holy guardian angel, and when the Labyrinth card appears, I read it as a divine omen that the subject I am reading about or the situation I am in has much deeper spiritual implications and has to do with finding my purpose. If you like the Black Tarot: Intuition Lines or Midnight Thought Tarot, then the Life Line Tarot is for you. Thomas, of Hermit’s Mirror, is an influential voice in the tarot community and well worth following.

FTC Notes: In accordance with Title 16 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 255, Guidelines for the Use of Endorsements and Reviews in Advertising, I have received this deck from the creator for prospective review. Everything I’ve said here honestly and accurately reflects my opinion of the game.
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Yes, they do exist. The problem with fantasy cards is that few of them are elegant or beautiful, yet they are so wildly popular. The reason is because they are simple and quick to read. You simply focus your attention on the card and that’s it. I started making these cards to help people to get started with Tarot, but that’s not it. In their original form they were meant to be a way to understand your own life and to get over fear.